Because they are so similarly designed, it seems like it should be doable but the thread has caused a bit of stir among the users of XDA as to whether it will ever work and whether it's a worthy venture to start with. Also, because of their similar hardware, the dev didn't have much trouble getting the ROM to boot "out of the box". All he did was change one line in the build.prop to force it to give him software buttons and voila!
With that being said, the ROM has some problems. Even though the touchscreen, LED, and speakers work, he has gotten stuck when it comes to getting the on-board radios going (including WiFi). I'm pretty sure a lot of it has to do with the fact that this is a 4.1.2 ROM, meaning it was ported from the Sprint (CDMA) variant of the device. There are a lot of cool things about LG's software which people like; the lockscreen being on top of that list. I've also heard people saying that the camera on the LGOG is a lot more user friendly (although, it doesn't support photosphere).
The dev of this ROM as well as its going list of followers have come to the conclusion that they need a kernel developer to get things off of the ground. The OP says that he has experience with porting ROMs in the past but he doesn't know a whole lot about developing a kernel which would seemingly have to be from scratch. If there are any people out there equipped with the proper knowledge, I'm sure the developer and his following will be grateful for some help. If you're interested in the ROM or becoming a partner on this project the link to the thread on XDA is here:
I have heard a lot of people question why you would ever want to put a different UI on to your Android OS but to them I simply say, "why not?" I love the Android operating system for a bunch of reasons but one of the top ones is how customizable the phone can be. Some of the offerings of the Android OEMs have been very appealing over the last year and although I love my Nexus and probably will never switch, I still love playing with my phone and like to try new things and clearly I'm not the only one who thinks it would be fun to have that lockscreen on my phone.
Do you think this is a waste of time? Do you want to try this out on your phone? Do you have input that could help the development process? Drop a comment in the section below, on the original post on Facebook or Google+ or even in the development thread!
I love this UI, I think it has some great ideas. I would love to see this running on my nexus 4! :) Let's help AERYS!